Access your School

Trouble accessing your school

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Access your School

Trouble accessing your school

If you are encountering issues regarding access to your course, please check below for several solutions.

  1. Reset your password
    If you don't remember your password, simply click on the Forgotten your password? link and enter your email address.
    You will then receive an email with an invitation to reset your password. Once your password is reset, you will be able to access the school again.
  2. Accessing your course on the App
    To access your course, make sure you have downloaded our EF English Live App for iPhone or Android.
    Open your app and login with your usual credentials, accept the pop when it appears so you can synchronise your course with the school and you're all set.
    If you need to reset your password, please go to the forgotten your password page and follow the steps.
  3. Access your classes on the App
    To access your classes, make sure you have downloaded our EF English Live App for iPhone or Android.
    Open your app, click on 'Connect with Password' and accept the pop up so we can synchronise your information with the school - and you're all set!
    You will be able to take your group or private classes there.
  4. If your account is blocked
    If you try to login unsuccessfully too many times in a row, your account will be blocked for security reasons.
    But don't worry, you just need to wait 15 minutes and you can try again. If you don't remember your password, we recommend that you reset your password as detailed above.



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