Business English and Special Interest Courses

Specific modules to improve specific vocabulary

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Business English and Special Interest Courses

Specific modules to improve specific vocabulary

Many of our students are trying to improve their English for professional purposes. This is the reason we created several modules dedicated to general Business English as well as modules to specific industries. These modules allow you to work on the vocabulary that you need for your line of work.

You can access these courses after you've reached level 6 or above of General English as we believe it is important that you master the basics before getting into specifics.

Our Specific Industry modules cover a wide range of topics from Banking and Finance to Pharmacy, Telecommunications or Hospitality. There are a total of 17 different industries covered so there is a great chance that you will find the industry you're after.

Our Business English courses will help you learn the basics of English in the workplace. CVs, interviews, negotiations, presentations - you will be able to gather all the knowledge you need to feel (finally) comfortable speaking English at work.

To access these courses just go to Course : Change Course and pick the tab 'Business' or 'Industry'.

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