Change my Course

Find out about all the different courses within the school

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Change my Course

Find out about all the different courses within the school

All EF English Live students have access to the general English courseware where they can improve their general knowledge.

On top of General English, some packages might include specific English courses:

Business English :
From writing your CV to interviews and presentations, master all the vocabulary you need to work in English.

Industry Specific Courses :
Our course includes some specific modules around 17 different industries such as banking, hospitality or telecommunications.

Travel English :
Since lots of our students want to learn English to travel we've designed a separate module just for this!

TOEFL / TOEIC preparation :
Whether you want to get into a university or prove your score to get a job, our TOEFL and TOEIC preparation modules will help you get the grade you need.

If these courses are available to you, you can access them by clicking on Course : Change Course then click on the tabs just below the main section with your current level.

Please be aware that Business English and Special Interest courses are available for levels 6 and above of General English.

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