Book a Private Class in your EF English Live App

Book your next Private Lesson with a dedicated teacher

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Book a Private Class in your EF English Live App

Book your next Private Lesson with a dedicated teacher

Booking a Private Class can be done on the desktop or on your EF English Live App. 
To book your Private Class on your app, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Launch your EF English Live App
  2. Click on 'Classes' in the menu on the top and then click on 'Private Classes' - 'Book a Class'.
  3. Select a topic or choose your own topic at the bottom of the screen
  4. Select your teacher or look for a specific teacher if you know their name
  5. Click on Book this Class

Your booking will appear on this page and you can cancel it here as well if needed. 
Don't forget to cancel at least 8 hours in advance or your Private Class coupon will be lost.
You can also book another class here if you wish (up to 4 classes).

When it's time to take the class just return back to your EF English Live App and join the class.

If you don't have the app yet, you can download it here:



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